The official (full official) name of the company and abbreviated name (abbreviated official name) | Limited Liability Company Microcredit deposit organization «MATIN» (MDO «MATIN» LLC) |
Full official name in English (abbreviated name): | Limited Liability Company Microcredit deposit organization «MATIN» (MDO «MATIN» LLC) |
Institutional-legal form: | Limited Liability Company |
Unique identification number: | 5110000015 |
Date of state registration: | July 8, 2009 |
Taxpayer identification number in the Republic of Tajikistan: | 510022365 |
Bank identification code: | 350501849 |
Taxpayer identification number in the Russian Federation: | 9909343450 |
Сode of the reason for registration in the Russian Federation: | 775087001 |
Location address: | Republic of Tajikistan, Sughd region, Khujand city, Sharq street 84 |
Mailing address: | Republic of Tajikistan, Sughd region, 735700, Khujand city, Sharq street 84 |
Contact number: | +992 44 630 25 80 |
Fax: | +992 44 630 25 81 |
The address of the Internet pages on which information is disclosed by LLC MDO MATIN: | |
E-mail address: | |
TELEX: | 623504 MATIN RU |
Contact center: